Sunday, February 28, 2010

Decorating Cichlid Tank

Decorating the tank is vital when owning cichlids. The more hiding spots the better. You should have a tall decoration in the middle to break the line of sight. As you can see in the picture I have a lot of rock work to combat aggression. This makes a huge difference. You have many options of how you decorate the tank just keep in mind that you need lots of hiding spots.

You can put some nice fake plants at the back of your aquarium, which looks really pretty. And you should put a backing on the back of your aquarium; this truly makes a huge difference. Cichlids are diggers though, what I do is put a fake plant under a rock, then they can’t dig it up.

Decorating the tank will make the fish feel much more comfortable, especially skittish fish. All fish need a hiding spot to make them feel safe and secure. It also makes the aquarium looks so much better. Actually, it will even make their colour stand out.

You should only use decorations used for the aquarium. Other decoration not made for the aquarium may be toxic and kill all your fish. I can’t stress this enough, fish are very sensitive to chemicals in the tank.

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