Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dithers & Targets

Dithers are fast moving fish to get shy and skittish fish out and feel safe. They make them feel comfortable. A good example is Parrot Fish, they are naturally shy and extremely skittish, this is why I have six Tinfoil Barbs in with Charlie. Even though he is not skittish ate all it’s nice to see him have some friends. I have a huge pleco in with them as well, at first Charlie was hesitant but they got to know each other and now their buddies.

Targets are used for aggressive cichlids to stop the other cichlids from fighting. I do NOT agree with this. They get picked on and this distracts the cichlids from fighting as much. This is cruel in my opinion. The poor fish go threw so much aggression and they don’t fight back because usually they are tropical fish like Danios, Tinfoil Barbs, Silver Dollars, ext. They merely distract the cichlids from fighting.

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