Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cichlid Tank Size

You MUST have a large tank if you are going to have cichlids. The reason being is that they are highly aggressive and need room to move. You can’t put an oscar in a 30 gallon tank with another cichlid and think they are going to get along. It just won’t happen.

Time and time again I read people asking why cichlids fight and they have them in a tiny tank. They need lots of room for decorations and hiding spots as well. Please do not cram a cichlid into a tiny tank!

Most cichlids get big especially Oscars which need a 75 gallon or bigger. They get massive. Most do!

In my one 75 gallon tank all I have in one Parrots Cichlid, Charlie and 6 Tinfoil Barbs and one pleco and I’m maxed out.

If you overcrowd you notice a ton of aggression and you will have problems with the water parameters.

If you want nice big healthy cichlids with pristine water parameters do not overcrowd.

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